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In house training - what delegates say

London Borough of Bexley

Race Equality Impact Assessment - January 2006

"Excellent presentation and easy to understand"
Mary Scott, Care Contract Officer, London Borough of Bexley

"Excellent – very thought provoking"
Peter Brewer, Lead Officer - Supporting People, London Borough of Bexley

An introduction to focus groups - March 2007

"The training was very useful for work in schools. Whether it is consulting children, parents or the wider community."
Richard Myers, Year 4 Teacher, London Borough of Bexley

Equality impact assessment - April 2008

"An interesting, stimulating and informative/useful course."
Valerie Greene, Prevention and Assessment Manager, London Borough of Bexley

"Very good training course."
Steven Burgess, Quality Manager, London Borough of Bexley

What Difference Are we Making? - Valuing Evaluation - November 2008

"Very useful course with good handouts that will make good reference material"
Shirley Watts, Borough Manager, Victim Support
"It was interesting and I am now enthusiastic about tackling monitoring and evaluation."
Lizzette Ambrose, Senior Probation Officer, London Probation

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