151 training courses to help you succeed
Suppose you have to create and evaluate a new community initiative, or find new ways to interest that community.
Or you might have to conduct a focus group or survey to research your residents’ or service users' views.
Perhaps you’re charged with involving a hard to reach group, or producing copy for a leaflet that communicates with all communities.
Whatever the task, we have the course and the trainer to help you.
Our courses are unique. You meet people from all sectors and levels, because joined-up thinking calls for joined-up training. You may sit next to anyone – from a chief executive or a community development worker - in anything from housing to health. You share ideas, views and experiences.
Joined up thinking requires joined up websites. Our website gives the same benefits as our training courses – an opportunity to learn – and exchange ideas with your colleagues throughout the UK and Australia. That’s why we have a free e-mail service of information, hints, tips, case studies and interviews called Rod’s Reflections.
Thousands of people working in public services and communities have attended our courses and have signed up to receive our articles.
People from many fields:
Research and evaluation
Policy and performance management
Consultation and partnership working
Tenant participation
Residents’ and community groups
Housing and neighbourhood management
Community development and regeneration
Community safety
Sure Start, Early Years and Children’s Fund
Health improvement and health promotion
Patient and service user involvement
Public health
Diversity and social inclusion
Communications and marketing
- all testify to the benefits of our training and free information
I hope something catches your eye
Rod's Reflections - latest
Tap into eight years worth of knowledge and ideas
Project Charter:
Recycle, Renew Community Gathering
Project charters
Here’s a wonderfully simple way to manage your projects better
Impact maps: A beginners guide
Here’s an ingenious but wonderfully simple new way to design, manage and monitor your projects better
13 reasons to use qualitative research in your community work
Effective community work starts with knowledge – and that starts with really good Qualitative Research
5 MORE ways to handle a tricky community meeting
Empathy - a remarkably simple way to diffuse a tense situation