Here’s a surprise! Hairdressers and beauticians are often perfectly suited for work in the community (25 Sep 07)
Here are 10 reasons why (not including belly dancing skills) – and something worth reflecting upon
Here’s something that has struck me.
Over the last year I have met a surprising number of tenant participation officers at our courses over the last year who used to be hairdressers. There must have been 5 or 6 - maybe more.
A case in point is Rachel Bennett of Windsor Housing who came on a course in London. Rachel has a number of close friends who work in the beauty industry.
I had a good chat with her and she feels very strongly about the way people tend to underrate professionals who work in these fields, particularly because they can make a real contribution.
If you think about it, they are ideal for this kind of work because they are so good with people. Their jobs depend on it. And after all, surely this is the most important skill anybody working in the community must have?
Yet how many people would naturally think of this? Sadly, far too many people working in the community still have false preconceptions. They sometimes see people who work in the beauty industry as being slightly frivolous and unnecessary.
This is a tragedy and a waste as we all know how hard it can be to find good quality tenant participation and community development officers.
Interestingly enough, Rachel is also a professional belly dancer(I thought that might catch your eye in the heading!)
But that’s another story, and I’m just going to stick to the nine reasons she gave why beauticians and hairdressers often do well – and one thought for you
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