Want to get more people at your residents' meetings? First ask yourself a few simple, but essential questions. They will give you a far clearer idea of what to say (18 Apr 11)
A checklist of 19 questions to ask before you write your promotional material. Answer them well and you have a good chance of ending up with a full house. Tweet
The secret of successful messages is good briefing. The better you brief yourself or others, the better you will do.
And successful messages are vital because getting people to your events is hard. They have lots of distractions and other things to do – including nothing at all.
No wonder many events end up poorly attended. This is a shame, because they are still the best way to bring people together.
And what a glorious feeling when an event comes off – or conversely, how depressing it is when one flops.
More often than not it all depends on how well you promote. Because although. marketing can’t make a bad idea good, it can easily double, triple or even quadruple attendance.
And this starts with asking yourself the right questions to start with, then doing things systematically.
Here are 19 things to think about before you put pen to paper
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