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In House Training

Sure Start and Children's Centres


There isn’t much that we can’t do in house. Whether it’s a methods workshop on how to analyse research data or a day on research report writing we can do a wide range of courses for you.  

Community involvement in research and evaluation
Action research
How community groups can use research to best help their case
Involving service users in research
Participatory appraisal
Using qualitative research methods in community development work

An introduction to evaluation
An introduction to research methods for evaluations
Collecting and using data for evaluations
Contribution analysis
Evaluating community safety initiatives
Evaluating community development
Evaluating partnerships
Evaluating for change
Evaluating policy initiatives
Evaluating the impact of training programmes
Evaluating tenant and community training
Measuring community empowerment
Including hard to reach groups in your evaluations
Measuring the impact of your community projects
Measuring the impact of your communications material
Research methods for evaluation
Undertaking an impact assessment of resident involvement work
Undertaking cost benefit analysis of resident and community involvement
Using stories in evaluation
Using qualitative methods in evaluation
Quality and children’s centres

Managing research and evaluation
Commissioning and managing an evaluation
Commissioning and managing research
Communicating research and evaluation results
Contribution analysis
Data protection and research and consultation
Interpreting local authority research data and acting on it
Logic models
Planning and managing a customer feedback or research project
Sharing research data
Using research to become a learning organisation

Mystery shopping
Setting up and running a mystery shopping project

Qualitative methods
An introduction to qualitative research
Analysing qualitative data for research and evaluations
Depth interviewing techniques
Designing and implementing a qualitative research project
Group moderating and facilitation skills
Setting up and running focus groups
Using mixed methods
Using qualitative research in community development work
Using qualitative methods to improve communications material
Using stories, photography and case studies in qualitative research 

Quantitative methods
An introduction to research
Analysing and presenting survey data
Designing an effective questionnaire
Designing and implementing a survey 
Geographic Information Systems
Self completion surveys
Statistical analysis
Survey sampling and weighting
Using mixed research methods
Using statistics to predict change
Regression analysis, factor and cluster analysis

Researching different social groups
Researching and consulting minority groups including Asian women , black and minority ethnic groups, children, Chinese and Vietnamese communities, disabled people, Gypsies and Travellers, hard to reach groups, LGBT communities, Migrants and East European people, Muslim communities, non English speakers, older people, Somalian people and teenagers

Research report writing
Report writing for beginners to research
Writing evaluation and research reports
Writing policy and strategy documents
Writing up and presenting qualitative research findings and projects

Social networking
Conducting research and consultation using social networking sites
Moderating skills for forums and social networking sites

Survey software and hardware
Using software to collect and analyse survey data  
Using web and mobile technologies to collect and analyse survey date  

Specialist forms of research
Conducting business research
Researching on the Internet
Undertaking employee research

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What delegates say about our courses

"It brought together skills I already had and helped me think more strategically about how to apply them."
Lynda Davies, Area Manager and Children's Centre Manager, Jigsaw Children's Centre - Peterborough