5 ways in which SROI can help you involve the community AND solve a tricky problem (23 May 12)
A hugely valuable tool but how many people are using it in their work?
The last two or three years have seen a huge increase in the number of organisations who are using techniques for the measuring and accounting of the value of the work they do.
One of these approaches is called Social Return on Investment.
Organisations are desperate to know how to involve the community in prioritizing their work, evaluating spending options and ranking them and finally in measuring the impact of what they actually do.
SROI is perfect for all these
Here are five ways how it can help you in your work with local communities.
•It helps you to involve residents along with other stakeholders in decision making
•You are more likely to focus on things that really matter to the community
•It helps you to value the things that are important to local communities
•SROI helps you improve your measurement systems through the involvement of community members
•Finally it helps you focus on involving representative samples of community members
One a related note we had a community involvement officer write in with a problem that you may recognise. I did send it out but here it is again in case you missed it.
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