10 top tips: a final checklist after you have written an article for a newsletter (11 May 13)
Have you got it right?
1. Read it aloud – does it sound like you talking? Or is it stilted and clumsy?
2. Even better, get a colleague to read it aloud; they will stumble over the difficult bits.
3. If you can, wait for a few days before going to print – when you read it again, you will see some things that do not sound so clear or witty as they did last week!
4. Is your headline clear and explicit? Does it single out the reader “like a pageboy in a crowded hotel lobby”?
5. Is your opening sentence short - and closely linked to the headline?
6. Does it link well from one paragraph to the next?
7. Have you used short words, short sentences and short paragraphs?
8. Have you allowed lots of clichés – phrases you’ve heard a million times - to creep in?
9. Can you cut out any words to without changing the meaning?
10. Have you made it quite clear what you want the reader to think or do?
To learn more about this vital subject why not attend our one day workshop, How to write powerful copy for newsletters, leaflets and posters? It runs at Euston, London on 9th May and in Manchester on 10th May.
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