10 tips for getting your consultation and research results used (07 Sep 13)
“Say what you have to say - then shut up” - priceless advice from a top expert
Ben Page, Managing Director of Ipsos MORI is widely regarded as the best presenter there is on public sector research.
He gets and keeps your attention and he has an extraordinary ability to make even the most mundane statistic come alive and tell a story.
Ben is passionate, almost evangelical about the need for public sector researchers to communicate more persuasively when they present data.
And he’s right, because it’s no use uncovering important facts if nobody does anything as a result.
So I asked Ben for his top tips for getting research messages across and getting the results used. His advice is staggeringly simple. In a nutshell, he says you have to stand up, say what you have to say, then sit down.
But how do you present is such a way that your research results motivate your audience to act?
Here are his tips:
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