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How to write a report on your focus group findings (02 Oct 08)

You can’t go wrong if you follow this advice and use these guidelines

Research reports are important.

They communicate results. They provide a record of findings to be examined in the future. And the process of preparing a report helps the researcher arrange the findings, conclusions and recommendations in a logical sequence for review by others.

A good report also attracts and holds the attention of readers. But writing it can be particularly tricky because you are trying to summarise findings from hours and hours of people’s ramblings.

Which is why I am reproducing a section from Richard Krueger’s classic text Focus Groups, A practical guide for applied research. The book was originally published in 1988 and now a 4th edition will be available within a few months. This book was one of the first detailed guides to setting up and running focus groups, and remains one of the best publications on the subject.

In their upcoming edition, written by Richard Krueger and Mary Anne Casey, they also offer five valuable principles for reporting focus group findings.

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