What your colleagues revealed about turning data into decisions – some helpful tips (04 Dec 16)
If you’ve attended any of our events you’ll have learned one thing
No matter how much you pick up from the experts, it’s the people working at the coalface - in the community – people like you – who often have the most practical ideas because, like you, they live and work with the challenges every day.
Here are some examples of what delegates came up when we recently ran one of our research and evaluation courses
Step #1: Get a proper mandate for your research
- Get enough time to do the research properly. The whole picture, not just half.
Step #2: Get the right people on board
- Realize that different audiences and partners view things differently
- Acknowledge that effective research champions may be rare - so work on cultivating new ones
- Involve front-line staff as early as you can
Step #3: Do your homework
- Don’t promise anything too soon
- Ask consumers or service users what they want you to study
- Create a larger agenda of possible issues for the future
- Teach managers about appropriate types of issues to propose
- Add caveats and additions to issues when necessary
- Gently deflate unrealistic expectations about what you can learn from data
Step #4: Pick the issues carefully
- Put words into audiences’ mouths so that they have to respond
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