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What a difference a day makes! See what Caroline did after spending a day with us – before and after (01 Mar 09)

Are we just full of hot air – or do our courses really make a difference? You may wonder – if so this will interest you

It would be a miracle if on a one day course you learnt everything you needed.

Well, here’s how Caroline Paul of Pentland Housing Association in Scotland completely changed her newsletter after attending How to Make a Success of Your Newsletter last Autumn

Take a look at a how it was before the day and how it looks now.

You can see both versions by clicking here. It was great to get this sort of news because it means that we are on the right track and putting on worthwhile courses that people learn from

Out of interest I showed the two newsletters to Drayton Bird who has been copywriting now for 50 years so he knows a thing or two about getting people to read things.

I will tell you what he said in a minute but first here’s what Caroline had to say:

Dear Rod

How to make your newsletter a success!

Well it is.

I am writing to thank you very much for a very successful training session. I attended the above event in Glasgow on 2 December 2008.

I came back to my work place and went through all Martin’s (the trainer) notes on the new process with the Chief Executive, who fully supported all my ideas from not only the look of the newsletter, but the approach we take preparing it. We now have a full editorial team!

I have enclosed our newsletter before I attended the training day and now our new current newsletter to show the difference Martin has made.

Thank you once again for a great event.

Your sincerely

Caroline Paul
(Finance and It Officer)

As I say it really was heart warming for us to receive such a letter and I telephoned Caroline to say so.

Drayton also had a look at the newsletters and here’s what he had to say:

“I have never met the chap who runs the course, but my goodness, what a difference!

There are six improvements I noticed - and I am always amazed at what a difference “little things” like these can make:

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