17 research and evaluation problems that desperately need your attention (11 Mar 09)
Can you help? Your colleagues (and I) would deeply appreciate it
Last week I sent you some solutions delegates sent in to problems they had encountered when collecting and sharing research data.
I hope you found them interesting and helpful.
But they were easily outweighed by the number of problems without solutions that delegates sent in.
Here they are - all 17 listed for you.
I am trying to put together a course for the end of April 2009 that tackles many of these problems, so if you want to be kept informed about it please let me know.
In the meantime all I ask is this:
If you can think of any sort of answer to these problems please let me know, so I can pass it onto your colleagues. I am sure they will appreciate every bit of help you can give - and so will I.
- How do you interpret research and consultation findings and prioritize any necessary changes in services?
- Do you know any tools for designing web site portals which can be used to share research and evaluation data?
- Is there any list of government consultations anywhere that people can tap into for national data and statistics?
- How do you go about setting up a central store of information? Is web based storage of data the answer?
- How do you match research data to policy objectives and present it in a useable form?
- How do you determine which data is important- and which isn’t?
- How do you find out who needs to know what?
- How can you train managers to understand data?
- How can you make information accessible to others and
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